The Seven Principles of Spiritualism
The foundations of our belief
The original Seven Principles of Spiritualism were channeled by English medium, Emma Hardinge Britten, in 1871. It is this version of the Seven Principles that is included in The Spiritualist Church of New Zealand Act of Parliament (1924). They are
1. The Universal Fatherhood of God
2. The Universal Brotherhood of Man
3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels
4. The Survival of Bodily Death
5. Personal Responsibility
6. Compensation and Retribution, here or hereafter, for all the Good and Evil
Deeds done on Earth
7. Eternal Progress open to every Human Soul
These original principles are channelled and written in the language of that era, and do not always resonate with people in today’s world. For this reason, some Churches have elected to re-write the principles in contemporary and inclusive language.
The chart below has a shortened version of the original channelled Seven Principles of Spiritualism, cited in the Spiritualist Church of New Zealand Act (1924). Also included in the Chart are four contemporary versions of the principles. These versions are from the Spiritualist Churches of Christchurch, Dunedin and Wellington, and also the Spiritualist Church of Canada. There are a number of versions of the principles being used around the world.

Emma Hardinge Britten
The Seven Principles of Spiritualism
- Supply a common basis of belief, a spiritual philosophy
- Are a foundation for a way of life
- Allow Spiritualism to be free from creed or dogma as a religious philosophy
- Do not necessarily express the full creed of all Spiritualists
It is important to understand the intent of each of the Seven Principles, as you are asked to agree to the Principles as part of becoming a member of Spiritualism New Zealand. A more detailed discussion of them is available for you in our article ‘Seven Principles of Spiritualism’.