Groups and organisations
When you get together with others for a spiritual purpose, you can share your knowledge so that each can grow in their own way
A spiritual group or organisation can cover a wide range of possibilities
- A small group of people getting together for meditation and/or spiritual development
- A spiritual centre of church
- An open group where anyone is welcome and various subjects and practices are discussed
- A retreat weekend
- And many more possibilities.
The purpose of all these groups is
- To learn to understand what living a spiritual life means
- To learn to interact with the spirit realm, whether it be through healing or channelling
- To train and develop your mediumistic skills
- To interact with like-minded people.
We have several articles that can help to set up and run the type of group or organisation that you are interested in
- Creating a spiritual group
- Creating a formal structure for your organisation
- Helpful information for running an organisation
- Complaints Procedure and Public Liability Insurance
- Activities and Services
- Circles, Workshops and Fundraising
- How do you decide who is going to be your Church Minister