Living a spiritual life is a humbling experience. Our wisdom and meaning comes quietly from within, and our life feels simpler. As Spiritualists our growing wisdom and awareness is facilitated by our connection with the Divine / Great Spirit, and our relationship with our Guides and Spirit Helpers. When we live spiritually we are grateful for simple pleasures, and we have respect and love for others because we feel a deep oneness and connection, at a soul level, with all. Below are some, but not all, of the changes people notice when living a spiritual life:
1. Becoming non-judgemental
As you start to live your life in a more spiritual way, you may become aware of how often you judge yourself or others. You realise that such judgements are neither helpful nor constructive. You understand that this negativity can lower your vibrational energy level. You learn to accept yourself and others as you are. Becoming non-judgemental does not mean that we are passive when we become aware of harm to others, or issues of inequity and injustice.
2. Taking personal responsibility for your thoughts, actions and words
Courage is required when taking personal responsibility for everything we say, do or think. It can be challenging to no longer blame others for our actions. If you find you are acting or speaking in ways you don’t like, but are finding it difficult to change due to past experiences you have had, it can be helpful to seek support for your personal growth.
3. Becoming true to yourself
Looking after yourself is an important part of your commitment to your family, community, and to the greater good. You are more able to help the world when you are being true to yourself, and looking after yourself. This may mean setting boundaries, saying No, and taking control of your own life. Being true to yourself and your soul purpose helps you to honour your intuition and your soul’s calling.
4. Living from a place of unconditional love
Unconditional love is a pure energy that is shared without any colouring from what the mind is thinking. It is an energy that is shared soul to soul, and everyone’s soul is pure no matter what journey they have chosen in this lifetime. You can learn to bring that unconditional love into your own being at a soul level, and send it to others from your soul, while still taking appropriate action.
5. Practising the art of gratitude
One way to develop gratitude in your life is to start a gratitude diary where you record the things that you are grateful for at the end of each day. When you focus on your day in this way you realise how much there is in your life to be grateful for. These do not have to be big things or even positive things. They may be as simple as noticing the beauty of dew on a spider’s web, recognising how well you dealt with a difficult situation, or acknowledging that you made a judgement about someone and being grateful that you noticed this. Practising the art of gratitude can lift your vibrations and allow you to accept the beauty in your life even on your darkest day. It can help you to stay peaceful and calm while negotiating the most difficult of situations. Another way of expressing gratitude can be found here.
6. Having a connection with your soul and the spirit realm
As you choose to live more spiritually your energy vibrations will be raised and this allows a closer connection with your soul and the spirit realm, should you choose to open up to this. You will find that you are using your intuition or gut feelings more often. It is your choice whether you wish to have contact with the spirit realm. You can learn to access knowledge from the spirit realm through guides and helpers. By connecting with your soul, you gain access to the knowledge that is held deep within you, including what you need to do to follow your pathway in this lifetime. You learn to trust your feelings and to follow what feels right, as you strengthen your connection with your soul and the spirit realm.
7. Accepting that you are part of the oneness of all that is
Everything in our universe is energy and all that is part of our universe is made up of that universal energy. As human beings we are unique individuals living our lives according to what we chose to achieve for this lifetime. However, our souls, the greater part of ourselves, are a part of the universal energy and therefore are part of the whole, part of the oneness of all that is. Think of an ocean made up of lots of droplets of water. As a human being we are like one of those droplets, but as a multidimensional soul-being we merge with all else to become the ocean. As we get used to thinking of ourselves as a part of the oneness, we begin to understand that we are far greater than the individual that is here on the earth plane and that, with that connection to all that is, we each have access to all the knowledge and wisdom of the universe.
8. Raising your vibrations out of negativity into positivity
As you begin to live more spiritually, you find that the feeling within you is calmer and you no longer get as deeply involved in other people’s dramas. By living within this peace, calm and happiness as much as possible, you are not only raising your own vibrations but also those of Mother Earth and all that is on her.
9. Living in the now
Living in the now involves being present in every moment of your life, and appreciating what is happening now, and giving it your full attention. This leads to a calmer, more peaceful life. If you can stay present with what is happening, then you can deal not only with the events, but also your emotions as they are happening, meaning that you are less likely to carry ‘baggage’ forward. By doing this you no longer need to spend your time worrying about the past or future.
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