
Angels are etheric beings of light. They are loving, joyous beings who, when asked, will help and guide you as you move along your pathway. They are God’s messengers and will often appear when there is a need for help and guidance.


An apport is the transference of an object from one place or time to another by no obvious means. This is often associated with poltergeist activity where an object disappears and then reappears in a different place. On rare occasions, a person may observe an object appearing.


Archangels are considered to be very powerful spiritual beings. They are understood to be at a high level of the celestial realm and can be called on for help when it is needed. While the exact number of archangels is
unknown, it is generally accepted that there are seven – Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Jophiel, Ariel, Azrael and Chameul.

Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters are advanced beings helping mankind raise their vibrations so that they can ascend through the dimensions. They hold positions of great responsibility, overseeing the Earth and its growth or work on a cosmic level.


Ascension is the process of letting go the ties of the duality of the 3rd dimension and raising your vibrations into the Unconditional Love of the higher frequencies of oneness. It is not about living with judgement, blame
and fear but rather living your life with compassion, unconditional love, joy, peace and harmony with all around you.

Astral Travel

Out of body travel by your spirit, usually while you are asleep but may also happen while day dreaming or in meditation.


The Law of Attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. Whatever it is that we focus our minds on is what determines what we bring into our lives.


The fields of energy that surround both people and objects, often seen in a variety of colours that reflect the vitality of the body.

Automatic Writing

Writing from the spirit realm, through a person, usually a medium. This can also be in the form of paintings. In these cases, the human hand is directed by a force other than the human, who has no input into that which is written or drawn.


The ability to hear discarnate spirit voices and/or sounds.


The ability to sense discarnate spirit.


The ability to see discarnate spirit forms.


A gathering of people wishing to communicate with the Spirit realm.


Contact between a human and a discarnate spirit

Developing Circle

A circle which is run with the specific purpose of developing people’s ability to contact the spirit realm.


Just as there are several notes occupying the same space in a musical chord, there are several times or spaces that we call dimensions, occupying the same universe. Each dimension has its own vibrational frequency, its own density and its own distinct laws of time.

Direct Voice

The formation of a voice box using ectoplasm which can produce a sound similar to discarnate spirits own voice.


Spirit entity without a physical body.

Divine Blueprint

Your Divine Blueprint was created by your soul and spirit guides and teachers before you first incarnated. It is the blueprint of your multidimensional being in its purest form and is the divine plan of the being to which each one of you is working towards becoming through your many lifetimes.

Earth Plane

Description used to differentiate between our world and the spirit realm.


A substance drawn from the human body by spirit operators for use in the production of physical phenomena.


A necessary part of all humans that, when in balance, allows them to fulfil certain tasks. A lack of ego or too much ego can lead to them acting inappropriately.


Term used to describe a nature spirit.


A rare and peculiar phenomenon of physical mediumship in which the body of the medium seems to grow in stature. D.D. Home demonstrated this on several occasions.


A term often used to refer to a spirit form.


Extra Sensory Perception. This is a scientific term for perception without the use of the recognised sense organs.

Etheric Body

This is the energy body that surrounds the physical body. It is the network of energy that allows communication with all part of the body. Phenomena such as acupuncture, telepathy, Kirlian photographic effects, and spiritual healing are directed through the etheric body, thus balancing the energy forces within the body.

Etheric Plane

A term made popular in the late 19th century to describe the spirit realm


Proven or probably fact.


Feathers are a powerful symbol of hope and spiritual growth. They are often seen as a message from angels of the spirit realm with the different colours having a specific meaning.

Galactic Beings

Beings from other planets, dimensions and universes that come in a spirit form to help both us and our earth plane to raise our vibrations in order to ascend to a higher dimension.

Galactic Council

This is the Council that oversees the energetic evolution of our universe. It is made up of representatives from many different planets and governs from a very high spiritual perspective


It’s your Gatekeeper Guide’s job to keep you safe from spiritual threats (e.g. lower energies) when working with spirit and providing you with protection (providing you have asked for it at some stage). When this Guide who works with mediums, for instance in channeling and trance work, their job is to modulate higher compatible energies that connect to the medium’s aura during trance, this energy may be the guide who is speaking at the time. They allow a conduit of high, protected energy to work with the mediums energy without the medium being taxed. Sometimes they are the first in your energetic group to connect and be aware of when working. They may give you a name to give you something to connect too. It is important to take notice when they communicate with you as it often involves your spiritual safety.


Universal creative energy of Unconditional Love of which all beings are a part. Often referred to as Divine Spirit or other similar terms.


Practising gratitude for all that is in your world is one of the purest forms of raising your vibrations. As you focus more on gratitude you lose the desire or need to live in blame, judgement and fear.

Guardian Angel

A guiding spirit with you from the time you are born until you pass back to the spirit realm.


Those in the spirit realm who have chosen to help and guide us during our earthly life. These are loving and patient spirits who will help and encourage you to follow your souls pathway.


see Spiritual Healing.

Higher Beings

Those who have raised their vibrations in order to live and work at a more loving and spiritual manner. This term generally relates to beings in the spirit realm.

Higher Self

May also be referred to as your Christ Consciousness. Your Higher Self acts as a transformer between your I Am Presence and your human self. It gives you access to Gods knowledge, understanding and love. It is the Self that you are in a state of becoming through our evolution, through all of your experiences in time and space.

House clearing

A healing method using the energy of love and light to remove negative, trapped energies and vibrations to the spirit plane. Entities are the residues tied to the earth plane for various reasons, usually fear, and or materialism and may manifest as human energy that occupied that space.

House blessing

The purpose is to clear the previous occupants’s energy and emotional vibrations that create atmospheres in homes or land. It is done with a prayer of intention and an asking from The Source for a blessing upon the new occupants. This is where it is more pertinent to smudge, or use incense to create a ritual for the benefit of the new occupants.

I Am Presence

Your I Am Presence is your connection to God, Source or whatever term you wish to use. It is often referred to as your Divine Presence or God Presence as it is literally the presence of God within you. This is your connection to your pure, true self. It is a part of your being right now; it is not removed, it is not separated from you in time and space. The only separation you have from the it is your own human consciousness and your sense of limitation.


Spirit entity with a human body.


Intent is not a thought or an object or a wish. Intent is that driving belief that allows you to achieve anything that you choose to believe in.


The lifting or moving of physical objects or bodies without visible means or contact, in defiance of gravity. It is described by science as a “mechanical action that differs from all known mechanical action, being exerted at a distance and without contact on persons or objects under certain determinate conditions.

Light Language

This is the language of our universe and everyone is capable of speaking it. When you listen to it the human mind does not understand it as it speaks directly to your soul.


A lightworker is anyone who chooses to shine their light in our world. They do this in many different ways including using their knowledge to teach, heal, counsel, write to name just a few. They understand that their actions, no matter how big or small, have the potential to raise the vibration of our planet. They have chosen to awaken at this time to help our planet and all on it ascend to a higher way of living.

Like attracts Like

Basic principle of people with similarities in character, personality and interest who tend to be drawn towards each other


This is the belief that you manifest everything in your life with your thoughts. The energy from these thoughts gives you the ability to create your own reality, either in a positive or negative way. As the energetic vibration on the earth plane rises, it is becoming easier and quicker to manifest. It therefore becomes more important to be aware of what you are thinking, so that you can manifest the best solutions for your life.


The most evidential form of physical phenomena in which the visible production of temporary ectoplasmic forms, in various stages of solidity and completeness may be observed. A physical medium is required for the production of materialised forms


A person who, under the right conditions, can convey information from the spirit realm.


Communication from the spirit realm.

Multidimensional Being

We are all multi-dimensional beings, travelling between other worlds and dimensions at will. However, our minds limit that which we can see and understand. As we raise our vibrations, we become more aware of the other dimensions of reality that surround us such as the elementals (nature spirits) the spirit realm and the many different forms of life within our universe and we re-discover our multidimensional aspects.

Naming Service

Service of ceremony where a child or adult is given a forename and/or spirit name.


Everything is energy and all in our world and universe, including the seen and unseen, is connected. All we say, do and think affects everyone and everything else as everything is energy and it all comes from the same source. As a drop of water is separate but still part of the ocean so too is each human being separate but part of the universal consciousness. We are all inter-linked. At a soul level we are all one, while remaining individuals at a physical level.


Usually a board with the letters of the alphabet around it. A pointer is then used by spirit to spell out words in answer to questions. This type of communication often attracts the lower more mischievous or harmful type spirits if not correctly monitored.


State of very light trance which is often confused with transfiguration.


Term used by Spiritualists for the passing of a soul from the earth plane to the spirit realm, instead of the word death.


The journey for this lifetime that your soul has determined before you are born. Within this journey are the lessons that you have chosen to learn in this lifetime. However, humans lose the conscious awareness of their purpose when they are born but are helped to stay on their pathway by their spirit guides and by following their intuition.


Physical phenomenon used by spirit communicator in the Hydesville occurrences.


Manifestation of spirit presence of either a physical or mental nature. Consists of prophecy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, healing, visions, trance, apports, levitation, raps, automatic writings and paintings and psychometry.


A small heart-shaped board resting upon two wheels or castors and a pencil which writes without the volition of persons whose hands are resting on the board.


A noisy and/or mischievous spirit whose activities are frequently due to some resentment or another. There is visible movement of matter – objects are thrown about, windows and crockery are broken, doors and windows opened and closed and many other disturbances. These spirits can often be encouraged to cease their activities through the help of a medium.


Communication, either vocally or mentally, addressed to God or an entity in the spirit realm.


A form of extra-sensory perception in which a medium is able to obtain information about a person by making physical contact with an object that belongs to them.


A form of spirit communication made famous by “The Hydesville Rappings” where knocks or raps are used to communicate between the two realms.

Remote viewing

The use of clairvoyant faculties to see places people or things in another realm, country, or place. Some clairvoyants helping to find lost people can visualise scenes using a map, an article, or photograph.


A group of people who have gathered with the intention of receiving communication from the spirit realm, through a medium.


The spiritual nature of humans, regarded as eternal and separable from the body at death to continue it’s development.

Souls Pathway

see Pathway.


Refers to energy that exists in the spirit realm. Also refers to an energy within each human being that separates the living body from a corpse. This spirit develops and grows with the human and has intelligence and consciousness. Spirits are often referred to as being all connected and all part of the one being, the universal consciousness or God.


Is a science, a religion and a philosophy that equally satisfies your heart, your mind and your logic, by giving you the answer to that age old question “What happens when I die?”


Someone who believes that the soul lives on after the bodily death and that, under suitable conditions, communication is available with those who have passed to the spirit realm.

Spiritual Healer

A person who is allows the healing energy from the spirit realm to pass through them to others, in order to help them maintain a healthy mind, body and soul.

Spiritual Healing

Healing that flows from the spirit realm, through the human spirit to the spirit receiving the healing. This healing is absorbed at an energetic level in order to help the human body maintain the balance of mind, body and soul and thus help to eliminate disease from the body.

Star Federation

A federation of star people from different star systems, who have come together and formed a united strong group of star beings from different galaxies and different universes who hold true the highest good of all and are united in keeping peace and keeping negative energy out of our universes and we overlook to only channel the highest frequencies.

Star People

Star people all have different bodies, depending from which galaxy they are from. Most are translucent with different colours or hues, but recognisable, some are more dense and have animal like shapes. They communicate telepathically with each other, sometimes with symbols.

Star Seeds

Starseeds are inter-dimensional or extra-terrestrial souls that have incarnated onto the earth plane and into the human body through the normal process of birth. … The mission of helping humanity is at an alltime high, as starseeds are being born on this planet more than ever, tripling the amount of consciousness.

Three Fold Flame

The Three Fold Flame or divine spark is the seed of the divine that lives within the secret chamber of your heart. It embodies the qualities of love (pink), wisdom (gold) and power (blue) and it is a part of coming back into your true self to bring these three qualities into balance within yourself. This flame can be accessed through your heart chakra, usually during meditation, and the lengths of the plumes will signal to you how you are balancing each aspect with the other.


Form of mediumship where the medium appears to go into a sleep-like condition or altered state of consciousness, to allow his/her body to be a temporary host to a spirit being, which then uses the mediums voice and body.


Transfiguration is a rare form of mediumship that allows those in spirit to materialise and communicate through the medium. To put it in the simplest way, it’s when the face of the person who has passed on appears over the face of the medium.

Universal Consciousness

The connection to universal consciousness is within everyone although some people are more consciously aware of it than others. Everyone has the connection at a subconscious level. It is our connection to all that is, to the oneness. As every thought, deed and word becomes energy, so too does it affect the collective consciousness which is our universal energy field and thus has the ability to affect everyone and everything on our earth plane.

Unconditional (Universal) Love

Unconditional Love is the love of the universe. It flows from Source into your hearts. This love is pure and infinite and brings with it peace, love, calm and balance. The more that you can bring this love into yourselves, the easier you find that you deal with all that is happening around you and within you. It is love given with no expectation of receiving anything in return.

Violet Flame

The violet flame is one of the most powerful tools on our earth plane at this time to transmute negativity in its many forms. This negativity can be within yourselves and can manifest as thoughts, physical pain or emotional pain, in Mother Earth, in our homes and our environments and in our atmosphere. The violet flame can be accessed in many ways but perhaps the quickest is through your heart where it resides as a tiny flame, waiting to be asked to expand and cleanse all that is no longer needed or wanted.